I am nothing if not a bed-rotting aficionado. I’d go so far as to say it’s 90% of my personal brand, and anyone who knows me well enough would emphatically agree. With that in mind, Rot Week—the days between Christmas and New Year’s Eve—is my Super Bowl. Or, if you’re not into sports, it’s my Met Gala. It’s the week I train for all year: Getting cozy, luxuriating on the couch, bingeing shows, eating takeout, wearing face masks, massaging my facial muscles, et al.

Because I fancy myself an expert, I decided to share my top finds for the perfect bed rot. Included in the below is everything you need to stay home and stay happy through the holidays and beyond. There’s silk pajamas (in fact, this particular set is a collaboration between two of my rot-week all stars—Fleur du Mal and The Maker), beautiful fragrance, fuzzy slippers, and tons of skin, body, and lip care. Happy lounging!

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